How To Use Manure to Fertilize Your Garden

If you’re a homeowner who takes care of their own lawn and garden, then you know the importance of fertilizer. Many people think that the only way to get good quality fertilizer is to purchase it from a store, but this isn’t always the case. You might think of fertilizer solely as a bag of … Read more

The Top 8 Soil pH Testers For Your Garden

As is the case with many homeowners, you probably take great pride in your lawn and garden. After all, who doesn’t love spending a sunny weekend afternoon tending to their plants and flowers? However, not all garden soil is created equal. The type of soil in your garden area will determine what plants will grow … Read more

How To Raise the Ph of Your Soil

The quality of the soil affects the nature and health of the plants in your garden, and every gardening enthusiast needs to understand the effect of pH to make sure that plants have access to all the nutrients they need. As the pH level changes, several nutrients become more available in the soil. This is … Read more

The 10 Best Garden Hoses For Watering Your Plants

If you’re like most people, your garden is one of your favorite places to be. There’s nothing quite like spending time outdoors, surrounded by beautiful plants and flowers. But in order to help your garden to look its best, you know that having a good garden hose is essential to keeping your plants healthy and … Read more

The 8 Best Weed and Feeds in 2023

Whether you’re looking to keep your lawn healthy and lush year-round or trying to bring back some of the vibrant green to your yard, a weed and feed can be of great help. They get rid of tough, stubborn weeds while simultaneously helping your lawn grow lush and green. But what exactly is a “weed … Read more

How Long Does It Take for a Seed to Germinate?

Growing your own vegetable garden from seeds is a lot more hands-on than you might initially think. It takes patience, dedication, and the right amount of knowledge to successfully germinate a seed. Luckily, you’re in the right place to find answers. This article answers some essential questions regarding seed germination. How long does it take … Read more