What Does Creeping Jenny Look Like?

If you’re like many homeowners, you may be wondering what Creeping Jenny looks like. Maybe you’ve heard the name before, but you’re not really sure what it is exactly.

What does this weed really look like, and how can you get rid of it if it pops up in your yard? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at this pesky weed, how and where it grows, and provide some tips on how to get rid of Creeping Jenny.

So, what does Creeping Jenny look like, exactly? Keep reading to learn more!

What is Creeping Jenny?

Creeping jenny (Lysimachia nummularia), also known as Moneywort, Herb Twopence, and Twopenny Grass, is a flowering plant in the primrose family.

The moniker Nummularia is derived from the Latin term nummus, which means “coin” and refers to the leaves’ coin-like form. As a result, the aforementioned common names allude to coins and money as well.

Now found throughout the United States and Canada, Creeping Jenny was originally native to Europe and was brought over by explorers and colonists.

Creeping jenny is occasionally cultivated for ornamental purposes, as well as for ground cover where its range of growth can be controlled. It’s commonly used in bog gardens and on the shores of little lakes and ponds.

Where Does Creeping Jenny Grow?

Creeping jenny spreads quickly and may establish itself in a variety of soil types. It prefers low wet ground and, more particularly, ground near ponds, where it thrives and tends to spread fast. It’s a highly invasive plant that can rapidly cover your yard.

In nature, it is mostly seen in wet soil conditions, but it can also be found in drier soil. It is a robust plant in general and can endure temperatures as low as -15° Celsius, or 5° Fahrenheit.

How to Identify Creeping Jenny

Now that we know a little bit more about this weed, let’s take a closer look at how to identify it.

Visual Characteristics 

Creeping jenny is a weed with bright green, rounded leaves and yellow flowers. This plant’s leaves are tiny and heart-shaped, and they look like little coins.

The flowers are bright yellow, cup or bell shaped, and grow on top of the stems. The plant grows no more than two inches above the earth and spreads prostrate along the ground by stem-rooting rather than growing upright. The leaves can start to look brown if they dry out.

Growth Stages

Creeping Jenny flowers between May and August. The leaves of Creeping Jenny remain evergreen throughout the whole year, as long as the winter is not overly harsh. This plant is hardy and can germinate and grow at almost any time throughout the year.

Other Unique Traits

Creeping Jenny is often planted on purpose in some people’s backyards as a ground cover plant, to add bright leaves and colorful flowers, or for softening hard edges and covering over less-appealing aspects of your lawn.

Plants That Look Like Creeping Jenny

The Creeping Jenny weed is often mistaken with Glechoma hederacea, commonly known as Creeping Charlie, which is another common prostrate garden weed. Both plants have leaves that look quite similar. However, Creeping Charlie has purple flowers rather than yellow, so once the weed starts to flower you will know which one it is.

Creeping Jenny is also sometimes thought to be the Yellow Pimpernel plant. In order to tell them apart, look at the leaves and flowers. The leaves of a creeping jenny are much larger and rounder than those of the similar yellow pimpernel, and its flowers are less delicate. The blossoms of yellow pimpernel are star-like in appearance.

How to Get Rid of Creeping Jenny

Now that we have explored what Creeping Jenny is, let’s take a look at how to get rid of it. If you are lucky enough to not have this weed in your garden, be sure to keep an eye out, as it can be quite invasive.

The best way to remove creeping Jenny is by pulling the plants up by their roots. If the plant has gone to seed, you may also need to remove the seeds from the ground so they don’t grow back.

Hand pulling the weed is often the most effective way to get rid of Creeping Jenny, but if you have a lot of them or they are growing in a hard-to-reach spot, using an herbicide may be necessary. Be sure to read the directions carefully and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. A weed killer containing glyphosate or triclopyr as its main ingredient will be effective against Creeping Jenny.

You may also want to consider using a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent Creeping Jenny from germinating and growing in the first place. This is a good option if you live in an area where this weed is common and you want to avoid it altogether.

Ending Thoughts

Creeping Jenny is a weed that can be found in many yards and gardens all across the country. It has several identifying features, including its growth stages and unique traits.

If you see it in your garden, remove it immediately! There are other plants that look like Creeping Jenny, and it can quickly take over an area if not monitored and controlled, so it’s important to learn how to identify it before taking action to get rid of it

If you’re having trouble getting rid of Creeping Jenny on your own, don’t worry! We have experts who can help. Contact us for more information on how to remove Creeping Jenny from your property. We hope you learned some vital information from this blog post. All the best with your gardening!