Homeowners and amateur gardeners are frequently on the lookout for new ways to keep their garden looking tip-top, so if you have ever seen a strange weed that you couldn’t identify, you might be wondering what it is, and even how it got there.
It’s important that you can identify any weeds that may come up, so that you can get rid them before they cause any long term damage.
Well, you shouldn’t worry anymore! In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the pesky Nimblewill – we’ll go through what it looks like, where this weed grows, how to get rid of Nimblewill, and more. We’ll help you to learn everything you need to know about this invading weed!
So, what does Nimblewill look like? Come with us and find out!
What is Nimblewill?
Nimblewill, also known as Muhlenbergia schreberi, is an annual grass-like weed that develops in clusters and has become a common problem on many lawns and open areas throughout the United States. It’s native to the US, where it can be found mostly in the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest regions.
Because it is resistant to moderately low temperatures and invasive insect species, this grass may be utilized to safeguard certain crops in the southeastern United States.
Where Does Nimblewill Grow?
Nimblewill is a perennial weed that grows in dense patches and spreads quickly and aggressively when it establishes itself in an area. It may be found in both sun-filled and shaded places, but it prefers moist soil, so it’s more common near water sources like ponds or lakes.
However, it is also able to thrive in drier soil conditions, so drying out your lawn will not necessarily do anything to kill it.
How to Identify Nimblewill
So, we now know what Nimblewill is and where you are most likely to find it. But how can you identify this weed? Here are the visual signs to try and identify if you think you have Nimblewill nearby.
Visual Characteristics
Nimblewill is a weed that has purplish or green stems that stand out from the ground and are topped with fuzzy spikelets and seed-heads between 2-8 inches long that resemble the top of a long piece of grass.
It is found in clusters and has more of a wiry, brittle texture than you would find in normal lawn grass. It has leaves that are narrow and blue-green in color.
Growth Stages
The winter months will let you know if you have Nimblewill. It browns faster than other grasses in the winter or other cool months, so therefore it is easily recognizable during this season.
Other Unique Traits
Nimblewill is consumed by the bug Stenodema vicinum, birds such as tree sparrows, song sparrows, and turkeys, as well as cattle and other hoofed herbivores.
Plants That Look Like Nimblewill
It’s frequently mistaken with other grasses that develop in mat-like growths, such as Creeping Bentgrass or Bermudagrass. However, there are certain characteristics of this plant that distinguish it from other grasses.
For one thing, has a unique mat-forming spreading tendency. Nimblewill grows by stolons that run along the surface of the ground, unlike Bermuda grass, which spreads via rhizomes. If it is given the opportunity to flower in late summer, it can also spread via seed. It is also more blue-tinged in color than traditional turf grasses, and more sharp and wiry to the touch.
How to Get Rid of Nimblewill
Knowing what Nimblewill looks like and where it grows is only half the battle when it comes to eliminating it. Fortunately, there are several techniques to get rid of this weed.
The first thing to try is just pulling it out by hand. Hand pulling is always an option for any kind of invasive plant or weed, and it works particularly well for tiny-rooted weeds like nimblewill.
During nimblewill removal, make sure to pull all of the tap-root out or it will quickly sprout back up! If you do this, it comes out rather easily, and there’s no need to dig down a foot to check if you got all of the roots.
In addition, any chemical weed killer that is successful at killing grass-type weeds can be used to get rid of nimblewill.
In Conclusion
Knowing what it looks like is the best way to keep Nimblewill from away your lawn, as with any weed. If you can identify this pesky weed early on when it springs up, you can then get rid of it before it becomes a problem.
We hope this article was able to introduce you to what Nimblewill is, how it grows, and how it compares to other weeds. There are certain characteristics that may help you to identify Nimblewill if you think you’ve spotted it in your yard.
Contact us if you’re not sure whether a plant in your garden is Nimblewill. We want to make certain that this weed does not spread throughout your neighborhood and does no harm to your lawn or home. Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and good luck with your weeding!