Many home gardeners are on the lookout for new ways to keep their garden looking its best. Therefore, if you have ever seen a weed that you couldn’t identify, you might be wondering what it was and/or how it got there.
It’s important that you can identify any pervasive weeds that may come up, so that you may get rid them before they do any damage to your lawn.
Well, do not worry anymore! In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the invasive species Pearlwort – we’ll examine what it looks like, where Pearlwort grows, how to get rid of Pearlwort, etc. We’ll help you with everything you need to know about this annoying weed!
So, what does Pearlwort look like? Let’s find out!

What is Pearlwort?
Pearlwort is a perennial weed that forms prostrate mats along the ground, and has small, narrow leaves that grow closely together and small, white flowers. However, despite the fact that Pearlwort have thin leaves, their thick cuticle makes them difficult to destroy with weed killers.
Pearlwort often forms a green weedy carpet on the surface of the ground, so it is often confused for moss.
Where Does Pearlwort Grow?
Pearlwort is most commonly found in the northern hemisphere near water or regions with a lot of humidity. It’s also common on golf courses that get constantly watered, as well as other expanses of grass that are kept constantly below 6 or so inches, such as bowling greens.
It’s transmitted by very small seeds that may be found on the soles of shoes or when you mow the grass, so using a brush or a spray to remove it rather than mowing is recommended.
How to Identify Pearlwort
The first step to getting rid of this weed is to identify it. So what does it look like? Here are the visual traits to look out for.
Visual Characteristics
Pearlwort is a hairless green weed that forms clumps or mats of green herbage.
Pearlwort leaves are thin and narrow, no more than 1 centimeter in length, with a thick cuticle. The upper leaf surface is largely smooth. Leaves are alternate and may seem to whirl around the stem.
Flowers are white, tiny, with 4 or 5 petals, and often inconspicuous such that they’re hard to see, and they bloom from April to September. They’re generally found on long stems near the tips of branches’ extremities.
Growth Stages
Pearlwort is a perennial plant, in that it produces the same flowers every year.
It blooms between May and September, producing small white flowers on thin stems. The flowers may occasionally have white petals, but they’re rarely visible.
Other Unique Traits
Pearlwort is a good indicator of high levels of moisture in a patch of soil.
Plants That Look Like Pearlwort
Pearlwort often gets mistaken for Moss, as it grows in a large, green prostrate mat along the ground. However, Pearlwort has larger leaves and stems than moss does, so any closer inspection will show you that the two are different.
How to Get Rid of Pearlwort
The quick growth rate and fast spread of Pearlwort make it difficult to eliminate once you notice it growing in your garden. However, it is possible to get rid of, if you try.
Removing it by hand may be the most labor-intensive technique of removal, but if you have a minor part of your yard affected, it is likely to work. Fortunately, their roots don’t go very far, so this method should work. You may also use a garden fork to dig up the ground where the weed grows, eliminating any roots.
You can also use a weed killer to destroy the pearlwort if you don’t want to get your hands dirty. This is advised to do before you have too many weeds in your lawn. Simply spritz the pearlwort and it should be gone in a few days. The best option would be to buy a selective weed killer that won’t harm the other plants in your yard.
In Summary
Knowing what Pearlwort looks like is the best way to keep it from away your garden, as it is with any weed. If you can identify this pesky weed early on in your yard, you can take steps to get rid of it before it becomes a problem.
This blog post was meant to introduce you to what Pearlwort is, its growth patterns, and compare it to other weeds, and we hope we were successful. There are certain characteristics that may help you to recognize this weed if you think you spot it in your backyard.
If you’re not sure whether a plant in your lawn is Pearlwort, get in contact with us. We want to make sure this weed does not spread in your neighborhood or cause any damage to your lawn and garden. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and happy weeding!