What Does Velvetleaf Look Like?

Velvetleaf, which is known for being an annoyingly intrusive weed, has infested many yards and gardens. This invasive plant suffocates desirable plants by choking them out. It spreads rapidly and is difficult to eliminate; if left unchecked, it quickly takes over a region.

Have you heard of Velvetleaf before and wondered what it looked like? If that’s the case, this article is for you. We’ll go over this difficult weed in this post, as well as what it is and how to recognize it, and how to get rid of Velvetleaf.

So, what does Velvetleaf look like? Let’s get to it!

What is Velvetleaf?

Velvetleaf, also known as Crown Weed, Chinese Jute, Button Weed, or Abutilon theophrasti, is a noxious weed in the Mallow family that can reproduce annually. It is native to southern Asia but may now be found all over the world.

Velvetleaf is a highly aggressive and invasive weed. It’s known as a crop-threatening weed in the midwest and northeast United States and eastern Canada, as well as the eastern Mediterranean.

Where Does Velvetleaf Grow?

Velvetleaf is a tenacious weed that can take nutrients and water from plants and crops that it grows next to. It may reduce corn yield by up to 34 percent and cost hundreds of millions of dollars in damages each year, making it one of the most damaging weeds to corn production. It can also shade plants around it, which harms them even more.

Velvetleaf is frequently found in locations with disturbed soil. This encourages dormant seeds to move closer to the surface, allowing for growth when the soil is at an appropriate temperature.

A single Velvetleaf plant may produce between 700 and 44,200 seeds, and each seed takes approximately 17 to 22 days to mature after germination. Seeds can last up to 50 years if kept in a dry location or in the ground.

How to Identify Velvetleaf

Now that you know what Velvetleaf is and where it grows, let’s take a look at how to identify this weed.

Visual Characteristics 

The Velvetleaf is a fast-growing weed with heart-shaped leaves and yellow blooms that may be identified by its distinctive shape. It can reach heights of up to 8 feet tall, therefore it will always stick out in your yard if you’re searching for it.

The leaves are shaped as hearts and pointed at the tip. They grow along the main stem at various intervals, and emit a smell when crushed.

The flowers of the Velvetleaf are yellow, with five petals, and can reach up to an inch in diameter.

Growth Stages

Velvetleaf blooms in the summer and germinates in the spring. The temperature should be between 24 – 30°C, or 75 – 86°F for the seeds to sprout.

Other Unique Traits

The Velvetleaf plant has been cultivated for its strong fibers since around BCE. These fibers may be utilized to make rope, cloth, nets, and paper. It’s also an edible weed that is used for culinary purposes, with seeds and leaves used in a variety of cuisines across southeast Asia.

Plants That Look Like Velvetleaf

Many weeds resemble Velvetleaf, particularly those with bright yellow flowers such as Oxalis, or Yellow Wood Sorrel, Buttercups, and Purslane.

However, none of these weeds grow nearly as tall as Velvetleaf does, so if you weed is multiple feet tall or more it is likely Velvetleaf. Also, the velvetleaf leaves grow in singular places along the weed’s stem, unlike some of the other weeds mentioned here, and its leaves are larger and more distinctly shaped like a heart.

How to Get Rid of Velvetleaf

Before working to get rid of Velvetleaf, you should first stop any weed-friendly plants or mulch growing around it, since this will encourage Velvetleaf growth. Instead, try to keep the area surrounding your plants clear of debris and limit the amount of water you give them.

Next, make sure any Velvetleaf in your vicinity is removed as soon as possible since it will compete with your grass and ornamental plants.

To prevent seed germination, individual stems must be dug up or plucked out manually rather than tilled or plowed. You must remove all of the plants before they flower and seed, so getting rid of them early is essential.

You can also mow Velvetleaf when the plant is still small, for a more expedient and less labor-intensive process.

If you want a faster, more surefire result, then use a weed killer or herbicide to get rid of the Velvetleaf. Velvetleaf can be destroyed by 2,4-D weed killers, which are frequently employed to get rid of it. However, you may also use a weed killer containing glyphosate, which is basically a more potent chemical combination and therefore might be more successful.

To Sum Up

Velvetleaf is a weed that may be found in every state of the United States and many other countries. It thrives in areas that have been disturbed, such as shoulders of roads and railroad tracks, but you can also find it in your back garden. We hope that this article has provided you with all the information you need to spot it when you’re out and about.

It has certain characteristics that set it apart from other plants, and you need to be able to recognize it correctly so you don’t mistake it for anything else. It’s an invasive weed that can quickly overrun a garden or neighborhood if not controlled and monitored, therefore knowing how to identify Velvetleaf is critical in order to get rid of it.

If you have any questions regarding this or any other plant, please contact us and we will be glad to assist. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and good luck weeding!