If you’ve ever come across an odd weed in your yard that you couldn’t identify, you may be wondering what it is and how it got there. Homeowners and amateurs alike are always on the lookout for new ways to keep their gardens looking nice, therefore detecting any weeds that might grow before they spread is critical in order to remove them quickly
We’ll look at the persistent Yellow Wood Sorrel in greater depth in this blog post, including what it looks like, where it grows, how to get rid of Yellow Wood Sorrel, etc. We’ll give you all the information you need about this invasive weed so that you can figure out how to get rid of it!
So, what does Yellow Wood Sorrel look like? Read through and find out!

What is Yellow Wood Sorrel?
Oxalidaceae, often known as Oxalis, is a family of flowering plants that contains more than 550 species throughout the world. This plant can be found in every corner of the earth where weeds thrive, and it is especially plentiful in Mexico, Brazil, and South Africa.
There are three common types of Oxalis weed that most homeowners and gardeners are concerned with. Common Wood Sorrel, Oxalis acetosella (found in Europe and Asia), and Yellow Wood Sorrel, Oxalis stricta (found in North America and parts of Europe), are the most common species. Pink Wood Sorrel, Oxalis articulata (temperate South American regions), is less common and potentially a variant of Yellow Wood Sorrel.
The plant has been eaten and treated as food since ancient times. Oxalis is also known as False Shamrocks since it resembles four-leaf clovers and can be found throughout the British Isles.
Where Does Yellow Wood Sorrel Grow?
Yellow Wood Sorrel is most frequently encountered growing wild along roadways or in other unkempt areas where people have littered with garden waste from related plants like garlic, onions, and even snowdrops.
Oxalis weeds have been transported to almost every continent and climate on the planet. They grow via rhizomes, which are root-like stems that develop horizontally underground or aboveground.
The woody growth of Oxalis species, particularly Yellow Wood Sorrel, can spread rapidly when they are in a wet location since they can attach themselves to damp surfaces and begin growing. In addition to invading your grass, the weed also infiltrates gravel beds and riverbanks. The plant life of local woodland and forest ecosystems may be dominated by Oxalis, to its detriment.
How to Identify Yellow Wood Sorrel
So, we now know what Yellow Wood Sorrel is, and where it is most likely to be found. Now we need to figure out how can you identify this weed? Here are the visual signs to try and identify if you think you have Yellow Wood Sorrel in your lawn.
Visual Characteristics
This plant’s leaves alternate around the stems, and are made up of three heart-shaped leaflets that may reach 2 cm, or 1 inch, in width. These leaves fold up at night and spread out in the day to perform photosynthesis.
Yellow Wood Sorrel also has bright, vibrant yellow flowers. These flowers have five petals and are no more than 1 or 2 inches wide.
Growth Stages
The flowers of the Yellow Wood Sorrel bloom from July to October.
Other Unique Traits
When disturbed, mature seed capsules open violently and can send seeds up to 4 meters (about 13 feet) away.
Additionally, the stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds of Yellow Wood Sorrel are all edible. It has a uniquely tart flavor (typical of all plants in the genus Oxalis), but it should only be consumed in moderation since oxalic acid is an anti-nutrient that can prevent the body from absorbing calcium correctly.
Plants That Look Like Yellow Wood Sorrel
As there are so many different subspecies of the Oxalis weed, and they are all similar in their characteristics, they can sometimes be hard to tell apart. However, as their names would suggest, Yellow Wood Sorrel has yellow flowers which differentiates it from Pink Sorrel – which has pink flowers – and Common Wood Sorrel – which has white flowers with either pink or yellow shading.
In addition, Wood Sorrels are frequently confused with Wild Clover or another grass because they often heart-shaped leaves in groups of three or four, and they grow low to the ground, similar to clover. However, pay attention to the flowers in each weed. Clover has pink or white flowers that are spherical and filled with many tiny petals all over it, whereas Yellow Wood Sorrel has small, regular-shaped flowers that have 5 pointed petals in a single plane around the center.
How to Get Rid of Yellow Wood Sorrel
It’s difficult to remove Yellow Wood Sorrel by hand since it may re-sprout if the root structure is not completely destroyed. However, this is possible and should be the first method you try. If you have a small infestation in your yard, this is the best approach since it’s easiest to pull out weeds when they’re still small.
Also a vinegar spray or boiling water poured over the weeds will help. These will kill or damage the plant, preventing it from growing, but they may not always keep new plants from regenerating.
The most effective way to rid your lawn of Yellow Wood Sorrel is to use a chemical herbicide or weed killer. And specific broadleaf weed killer will suffice.
Summing Up
Knowing Yellow Wood Sorrel’s appearance is the most effective approach to prevent it from entering your home and garden. If you can identify this vexing weed while it is still young and get rid of it before it becomes a problem, you’ll be able to avoid many difficulties later on.
We hope that by reading this material and incorporating all of the information provided about Yellow Wood Sorrel, you’ll be better informed on this annoying weed. Look for the most important visual characteristics to identify Yellow Wood Sorrel, if you believe you have it in your grass or garden.
Get in touch with us if you’re not sure whether an unknown weed in your garden is Yellow Wood Sorrel. We’d want to know if it spreads within your neighborhood and causes harm to your grass or property. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and have a wonderful day!